AED in the Workplace: Benefit or Burden?

Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death, mainly happening in the United States. According to the American Heart Association(AHA), about 10,000 people have been falling victim to cardiac arrest right on their work. This has been happening for a long time and has been underlining the issues of healthcare taken over in the United States.

Placing an automated external defibrillator in the workplace and a proper management system will help victims who fall to cardiac arrest. It allows the managers or the work employers to take care of the person suffering from the arrest.

An average of about 40,00,000 people suffers sudden arrest, and over 90% of the victims have died before reaching the hospital. This is why having an automated external defibrillator at the workplace is essential. It provides care within 5 to 7 minutes, including early treatment, as the survival rate can improve dramatically.

  • They belong in the workplace.
    The workplace is the ideal setting because many people are being connected stressed because of the work pressures. This is why many people have been affected by a cardiac arrest while working from their desk. Every minute passed by, an individual is working their way through CPR, and it does not help the victim be perfectly alright.
    Many aid courses have been available, which helps for the people and workplaces’ safety and well-being.

With the help of an AED, the work becomes easier to manage. But it is always a topic of discussion and a long term debate whether all the workplace should have an AED or not. This is how we will help you to know.

  • Is it a blessing or burden?
    One of the main sayings that can concern many people having an automated external defibrillator in your workplace is a matter of blessing or burden. There are about 2.4 million AED’s hanging on walls and mounted in protective cases from public reaches.

Different industries have recalled thousands of devices that the FDA has notified. Many Problems occur even while having the AEDs, like improper functioning, receiving error messages and many more. It is vital to have someone trained about the AED services to handle the victims with the machines. Software bugs causing errors on the news and even malfunctions can indicate the AEDs not working.

The benefits of having an automated external defibrillator in your workplace can help you to save a lot of lives. For a person experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest, it is essential to have AED machines that can fix and prevent the victims’ death.

If you have legal issues surrounding owning an AED, it is essential to get the work done with your state police’s help. Once they understand what is going on, they can take matters into their hand and solve the rest of the issue.